Thursday, November 1, 2012

Wrestling with Riches

I am rich. No, my station in life hasn't changed recently, but my view of it has. I am still a stay-at-home mom with 5 children to support on a pastor's salary. :) What I didn't know until recently is that we are richer than over half of the world! On average, Americans make 100 times as much per month as 53% of the world lives on. In summary, over 53% of the whole world lives on about $40 a month and average Americans live on about $4,000 per month--shocking! I learned this from a podcast by Francis Chan (author of "Crazy Love") on my flight back from the Dominican Republic. Coming at the end of a very moving week, conviction came swift and hard. When Jesus said that it is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter heaven, He meant me. Sobering. I've never seen myself in that before. Because of our comfort, our excessive possessions, our bounteous daily feasts, and our "need" for more, we don't need God. We are distracted by all the stuff and miss God. God is working all around us and we don't see it. I have been called to simplify my life. I've also been called to give sacrificially to those in need.
Something God spoke clearly to me about on my way home is to sponsor a girl at New Hope Girls Academy. And I don't mean just a partial sponsorship, but a full--$99 a month. God even gave me the specific breakdown--I guess that was His kindness towards this "numbers girl." $33 from piano lessons, $33 out of my grocery budget, and $33 from the kids. Of course, the last part was something I talked to them about, we prayed about, and eventually voted on.
I am proud to say that all 4 of the ones old enough to vote were for it, although Jay was very tearful when it was over. He came to me scared that he wouldn't be able to do his part. Precious! I know how he feels! That's where we get to see just how big God is. When God calls us to do something, I know He will provide. And He sure has! The three youngest got a job picking pecans and after about 2 hours, went to the Pecan House and sold them for. . .guess how much? Yes, $33! There was an error in the calculation but Mrs. Karen insisted on still giving them the check she had already written for $33. So, less than a week after voting to give, the kids had their first month's goal. Praise the Lord! Today we sent in our first payment of $99 to New Hope and eagerly await the arrival of our information packet on who we are sponsoring.
The DR trip has definitely changed my thinking. Tamra, Misty, and I are all reading Jen Hatmaker's book 7: An Experimental Mutiny against Excess. I'm just not sure what I will look like by the time God finishes this transformation process. It is changing the way I view things: over-eating, hunger, grocery shopping, the foods I buy, recycling, where I spend my money, shopping locally, giving away all the excess, giving to the poor and needy, living out Christianity in a practical way, etc... It has sure made me think. I'm grateful for that.

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